The Schaffers always dreamed of raising a family once they bought their property on Windenburg’s country roads. Unfortunately, Sarah never could get pregnant. After many years of trying, they decided to adopt. They raised Chris Miranda as if he’d been theirs all along, and they love being grandparents.

Currently, the Schaffers live with their three ghost dogs and look forward to visits from their son.

IVAN SCHAFFER is from a different country. He immigrated to Windenburg when he was a young man and met the love of his life. He retains the old habits of his previous life and enjoys working with his hands.

Ivan’s traits are:

  • vegetarian
  • ambitious
  • loves outdoors

SARAH SHAFFER enjoys her life as a country bumpkin. She loves her garden and spends a lot of time canning goods. She especially enjoys when her grandchildren come to visit. Her favorite thing is to cook for them!

Sarah’s traits are:

  • good
  • family oriented
  • cheerful

The Schaffers live in the Windslar neighborhood of Windenburg, on the Summer Home lot. Their house features a fishing pond for Ivan, and a large backyard garden complete with fountain for Sarah.

They live with the ghosts of their three previous Bull Terriers: Ollie, Bruno, and Luna.

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