The Bromance Legacy: A challenge for Best Buds

Objective:  Play through ten generations of best bros, living together and creating their legacies side-by-side.

Starting Out:  Create two young adult male sims in CAS. They may be made from scratch or cloned as twins of pre-existing sims. The point is they should be free of skills and reward traits. Both sims must have the “bro” trait. Other traits are up to you. Set the relationship to “roommates.”

Housing:  Move your sims into any lot they can afford with their starting funds. You may use a pre-existing starter home or build your own on an empty lot.

Aging:  Lifespan set to normal. Auto-aging on for active household, other households are up to you.

Setting up the World:  You may add or remove houses and public lots as you see fit. Build your own or download from the gallery. It’s up to you! Same goes for households. Re-populate your world however you like.

Requirements:  Each generation will have a set of tasks to complete, based around that generation’s theme. The generation ends when a) all requirements are complete and b) the next generation ages up to young adult and moves out.

The order of the generations is up to you. You may switch them around as you see fit!

All Generations must complete these requirements:

  1. Become Best Friends
  2. Participate in the Weekly Bro Tradition
    1. This will occur on the same day (or days) each week, so plan jobs and vacation days accordingly. Bros come first! No exceptions!
    2. This is a special event for bros only! You will have to keep your spares away and busy. Consider possible “man caves” and locking the doors.
  3. Complete an aspiration (one per bro) related to their bro theme.
  4. Complete a collection related to the bro theme.
  5. Complete one special requirement.
  6. Bring in the next generation of bros
    1. Try for baby and birth must occur on the same day for both bros.
    2. Bros must be male. If one or both babies are female, both couples must try for baby again until two bro-babies are produced.
    3. Bro-babies receive the bro trait upon aging to teen.


  1. No cheats or mods that give advantage
  2. No reverting to earlier saves
  3. No wishing well
  4. No Lottery holiday
  5. No Money Tree aspiration
  6. Choose clubs perks OR lot traits – not both.
  7. No aging anyone up early
  8. Have fun!

1.  Jock Generation

  • Weekly Tradition:  Challenge a group of sims to basketball at a public court (gym or Spice District).
  • Careers:  Athletic, either branch
  • Aspiration:  Body Builder (both bros)
  • Collection:  Postcards
  • Special Requirement:  Unlock the “Torch of 73.” Achieved by winning 73 basketball games.

2.  Party Generation

  • Weekly Tradition:  Throw a Party – One bro must DJ and the other tend bar for all social events. 
  • Careers:  One bro culinary – mixology branch, the other unrestricted
  • Aspirations:  Party Animal and Master Mixologist
  • Collection:  Fossils
  • Special Achievements:
    •  I’m the Mix Master – Mix 100 Drinks
    • On a Whim:  Have a Sim complete 10 Whims at a single social event. 
    • The Main Event:  Earn a Gold rating on every social event.

3.  Brony Generation

  • Weekly Tradition:  Saturday Morning Cartoons! Sit down together and watch either the kids channel or BeTween TV or a Kid-themed movie (Both bros must have the childish trait so that they will not get bored by childrens’ TV)
  • Careers:  Unrestricted
  • Aspiration:  Friend of the World (Because Friendship is Magic!) and Leader of the Pack.
  • Collection:  Voidcritter cards or MySims Trophies.
  • Special Achievement:  Channel Surfer: Have a Sim listen to all radio stations and watch all TV channels.

4.  Outdoorsmen Generation

  • Weekly Tradition:  Camping! Leave Friday night and return Sunday night. Throw one weenie roast per camping trip.
  • Careers:  No formal careers. Make money through gardening, fishing, and collecting.
  • Aspiration:  Any Nature aspiration.
  • Collection:  Insects, Fish, or Frogs
  • Special Achievement:  Tastes Like Burning – Have a Sim consume every type of toxic plant.  

5.  The Entertainment Generation

  • Weekly Tradition:  Karaoke Night! 
  • Careers: Both in entertainment career, one in each branch.
  • Aspiration:  Joke Star and Any creative aspiration
  • Collection:  Crystals
  • Special Achievement:  Both Sims must win the Karaoke Night competition.

6.  The Band generation

  • Weekly Tradition:  Jamming. Spend at least four hours rocking out together.
  • Careers:  Unrestricted Or no careers – survive by busking.
  • Aspiration:  Musical Genius (both bros)
  • Collection:  Metals (Get it? ‘Cause they’re a metal band!) 
  • Special Achievement:  Achieve max skill level in all instruments between both bros (guitar, violin, piano, and pipe organ).

7.  The Gamer generation

  • Weekly Tradition:  Play video games together via the computer or video console for at least four hours.
  • Careers:  One Tech Guru and One Social Media – Internet Personality branch
  • Aspiration:  Computer Whiz and Nerd Brain
  • Collection:  Aliens, Space Prints, Microscope Prints, or Space Rocks
  • Special Achievement:  
    • Each bro must enter and win first place in a professional online video game tournament.

8.  The Bad Boy generation

  • Weekly Tradition:  Start a Bar Fight
  • Aspiration: Public Enemy and Chief of Mischief
  • Careers: Criminal, either branch
  • Collection:  Geodes
  • Special Achievement:  
    • Hello, Darkness, My Old Chum:  Have a Sim befriend the Grim Reaper.
    • Have bros get into a fistfight so that they despise each other, then work their way back up to best friends.

9.  Wingmen

  • Weekly Tradition:  Bro Brunch. Either cooked at home or at a restaurant.
  • Aspiration:  Both bros must complete Serial Romantic
  • Careers:  Any
  • Collection:  Broken Hearts :’(
  • Special Achievement:  Speed Dating – Have a Sim “first kiss” three times at a single social event. Both bros must achieve this.

10.  Executive Bros

  • Weekly Tradition:  Bowling
  • Aspiration:  Fabulously Wealthy and Mansion Baron
  • Careers:  Business, either branch
  • Collection:  Money
  • Special Achievement:  Rosebud – Gain 1,000,000 Simoleons in a single Household.

One thought on “The Bromance Legacy

  1. I think this super unique & creative! I started this challenge yesterday & posted my first episode of it on YouTube! I haven’t seen anyone else try it so I’m pretty excited about it. Feel free to check it out –>


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